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Adult Cochlear Implantation: Can your patient hear you? What health professionals need to know about severe hearing loss

Discussing challenges relating to cochlear implantation for adults and how healthcare professionals can help identify and refer suitable patients.

Adult Cochlear Implantation: Can your patient hear you? What health professionals need to know about severe hearing loss

In this webinar, we hear from NZ G.P and Clinical Director for Primary Care Surgical Services at Auckland Hospital, Kathy McDonald, Julie Ligeti, Global Manager Public Advocacy for Cochlear Ltd, cochlear implant recipient and registered nurse, Josie Calcott, as they discuss some of the challenges relating to cochlear implantation for adults and how healthcare professionals can help identify and refer suitable patients.

You can download information on questions to ask your patients whose hearing you think has deteriorated and may be suitable for a cochlear implant, in addition to the referral pathway for patients.

Assessment Information

Referral Guide


Julie Ligeti (Global Manager Public Advocacy @Cochlear Ltd)
Prior to joining Cochlear, Julie Ligeti worked in the law and as a Chief of Staff and Senior Adviser to Australian State and Federal Government Ministers.  Julie has extensive experience in policy development and public advocacy gained within the community, government and private sectors. Julie's career focus is social policy including aged and disability care, law and justice, public health and hearing care.

Julie is a member of the Board of Councillors of Monash University, Australia's largest University. She is recent past Chair of the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation and was inaugural Chair of the Board of the Accident Compensation Conciliation Service Victoria.  Julie also volunteers in the not-for-profit sector at Western Chances and the Human Rights Law Centre (Australia).

Kathy McDonald (GP and Clinical Director for Primary Care Surgical Services @Auckland Hospital)

Dr McDonald trained at Auckland Medical School graduating 1983 with MBChB and Diploma Obstetrics. She completed postgraduate training in Family Medicine in Edinburgh Scotland where she lived for 3 years becoming a Member of the Royal College of GPs. On returning to New Zealand she helped establish a large Rural Medical centre in West Auckland with her business Partner and GP Dr Hillebrand.  Waimauku Doctors expanded into a Chemist, Counsellors, Diabetes outreach centre for the DHB, minor surgery centre with after-hours care, Palliative medicine and Obstetric care. It now employs 8 GPs and 10 Nurses and Health care assistant. In 1999, Kathy took on the role of GP liaison at Auckland hospital -a new role to help at the interface of Primary and Secondary care and in 2008 the role was elevated to a Clinical Director. She assists the Surgical directorate at Auckland Hospital in all aspects of care.

Josie Calcott (Cochlear Implant Consumer Representative )
Josie is a bilateral cochlear implant (CI) user and registered nurse working at Tauranga Hospital. Josie got her first CI in 2012 through the publicly funded Northern Cochlear Implant Trust after waiting 2 years. Due to the busy hospital setting Josie works in, she believed 2 ears would be better than 1, and a dedicated group of Josie’s friends fundraised for her to receive her 2nd CI in 2018. Josie has been a dedicated CI advocate, speaking to numerous community groups, MP’s and Ministers about the need for increased access to CI for adults affected by a severe to profound hearing loss. Josie now lives her life to her fullest, as a nurse, wife, mother, and a very committed runners captain at her club, encouraging others to run.

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