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Discover our upcoming events designed to connect and engage the cochlear implant community.


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23 Oct

October 23, 2024
Takanini Cochlear Implant Get Together
Join us for a friendly and relaxed social gathering at Takanini, Auckland, exclusively for cochlear implant users, family members, and those considering CI.
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Takanini Cochlear Implant Get Together

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9 Nov

November 9, 2024
Auckland Cochlear Implant Consumer Group Meetup - You're Invited!
Join us at the Auckland Cochlear Implant Consumer Group to connect with others who have received or are awaiting cochlear implants.
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Auckland Cochlear Implant Consumer Group Meetup - You're Invited!

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7 Dec

December 7, 2024
Tauranga Consumer Group Meeting
Join us at the Tauranga Cochlear Implant Consumer Group to connect with others who have received or are awaiting cochlear implants.
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Tauranga Consumer Group Meeting

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Still have questions

Can I use assistive devices with my CI to enhance my hearing experience?

Yes. All cochlear implants have internal t-coils available and connectivity to FM systems or Bluetooth.

What should I consider when travelling with my cochlear device?

What should I take with me?

When you travel, make a plan in case you need assistance with your sound processor or MAP. If you have a backup sound processor, make sure you take it with you, and that it has been programmed with your latest MAP. Also, remember to take a suitable AC adapter for your battery or remote assistant recharger, and take basic spare parts with you. Take a copy of your most recent MAP (a printout from your Audiologist will be sufficient). Check the Find a clinic function before you leave, so you can identify clinics along your travel path in case you need urgent assistance. To cover yourself against the loss or accidental damage of your sound processor, there are options like insurance or service contracts in some countries. Please contact your local Cochlear office or distributor for more information. And finally, take your Patient Identification Card that’s provided in your product documentation. This card is available in multiple languages.

Will anything happen to my sound processor when I walk through airport security?

Not usually, and you should leave your processor on in case the security guard needs to speak to you. If your processor is set on the telecoil “T” setting, you may hear some buzzing, which is just harmless electromagnetic interference. You may prefer to turn your child’s processor off before walking through airport security, so they are not alarmed by any buzzing they may hear.

What should I do with my spare sound processor when I fly?

Switch your spare processor off, keep it inside a carry-on bag and place the bag onto the conveyer belt at airport security. Never place your processor directly onto a conveyer belt, as static electricity may build upon its surface and corrupt the MAP. The x-ray machine should not affect your MAP when the processor is turned off.

Note: A low-level x-ray is used to screen carry-on luggage. The x-ray will not harm your processor or the MAP. Never put your spare processor into checked baggage as this could expose it to damaging x-rays.

If the metal detector alarm goes off, what should I do?

If the alarm goes off for no other apparent reason, don’t worry if security uses a handheld wand to screen you. The wand will not harm your cochlear implant, but it will beep when it passes over your sound processor. Show security your Patient Identification Card, and explain that you have an implanted medical device for hearing. Tell them that the sound processor is a hearing instrument that you must wear with your implanted medical device.

Should I tell anyone on board the plane about my cochlear implant or my hearing loss?

Your processor is considered to be a medical portable electronic device, so you should notify airline personnel that you are using a cochlear implant system. Then they can alert you to safety measures which may include the need to switch your processor off.

Will my implant transmit signals that can interfere with the plane's navigational instruments?

Your implant can not interfere with the plane’s navigation or communication systems. Although your implant transmits radio frequency (RF) signals, they are very short range and would be limited to a distance of fewer than five feet from the external coil.

Like other electronic devices, should I turn off my sound processor during take-off and landing?

You may be required to switch off your sound processor so check with your cabin attendant. If you have a remote control for your processor, this should be switched off.

How can I listen to in-flight music or watch a movie?

There are many ways to access a plane’s audio system. One option is the TV HiFi Cable. This connects directly to your sound processor and has surge protection. (See your processor’s user manual for information about connecting the TV HiFi Cable to your processor.)

Please contact your airline to ask about connecting to their entertainment system, as you may need to purchase an adapter from an electronics supplier if their system uses a 2 or 3 prong socket. Before traveling, speak to your clinician about the various options for microphone mixing to guarantee the best sound quality for your personal listening requirements.

What if I'm moving to a different location to live?

If you’re moving, make sure you put Cochlear on your list of companies to inform you of your new address.

We need your current details in case we need to contact you. It’s important to register in your new location (you can do this by finding a relevant clinic near you, especially if you move interstate or internationally so that we can continue to support you with service and repairs.

What are some tips for using the phone?

For the first few months after your Cochlear system has been switched on, you’ll be busy listening and interpreting a world of new sounds around you. When you’re ready to start, there are steps you can take to improve your ability to use the phone.

Newer models of Cochlear Implants integrate blue tooth technology which connects with your smartphone, making hearing and talking on the phone easier than previous models. For a comprehensive how-to guide, click here.

For more advice on making your phone use more successful, contact your hearing professional

Will I be able to use the phone?

Whilst some recipients enjoy immediate success on the phone, it takes time and practice for others.

How can I get the best results from my phone use?

Use a smartphone and audio accessories

Use your Cochlear Phone Clip to make talking on the phone easier. You can even leave your phone in your pocket or bag and enjoy the convenience and safety of hands-free calling. It’s small and lightweight, so you can clip it to your clothing and take it wherever you go. With the phone clip you can:
Cochlear Phone Clip

  • Stream phone calls directly to your sound processor
  • Listen to music or videos from your smartphone or tablet
  • Listen to GPS navigation in your car
  • Use your smartphone's voice command
  • Compose text messages

What should I look for when choosing a phone?

All recipients have a personal preference, and what works for one may not necessarily work for another. If possible, try different models before making a selection.

For Cochlear Nucleus devices, here is a comprehensive guide to choosing a smartphone to go with your device.

Some features you might want to look for when purchasing a home phone include;

  • volume control
  • caller ID
  • an integrated answering machine
  • a high-quality speakerphone

How can I practice my phone skills?

Practicing auditory-only skills seems to help most recipients. Your hearing professional can provide the best techniques for your situation. Here are some they might suggest:

  • Repeat sentence and word lists with family or friends:
  • Have someone read you a sentence or word, and then repeat it back to them.
  • Practice taking messages from other family members.
  • Start off with familiar names, phone numbers, and addresses, or favourite foods, colours, and activities.
  • Move onto more detailed messages once you’ve built up your confidence.
  • Read along with audiobooks and recordings. This gives you an opportunity to listen to something over and over, as well as practice reading along. You’ll find that libraries are usually a good place to source audiobooks.
  • Listen to phone service messages. Try listening to recorded messages on the phone, such as a weather or time service. These services are often free.

How do I get the best out of my device when listening to music?

Whatever your personal taste, listening to music is one of life’s joys. Listening to music comes very easily for some implant recipients, but for others, it may take a little time.

It’s important to remember that cochlear implants were primarily designed to help with speech perception. Whilst speech and music share some acoustic similarities, there are also several critical differences. Factors like your individual hearing biology, the type of music, the listening conditions, and your motivation can all affect your ability to enjoy music. With practice, you’ll develop the skills you need to hear music. The important thing is to establish realistic expectations. Music may not sound the same as before your hearing loss, but with the right approach, many recipients find they can enjoy listening to music they love Practice will help you fully appreciate music, and the following is a list of tips for developing your new music-listening skills.

You can choose the listening environment carefully.

Music will generally sound more pleasant in a quiet room with no echo. Some people like to use earphones or a direct connection to the sound processor, while others prefer using speakers. Test your options and use good-quality sound equipment.

Choose your music carefully.

Music that was familiar to you before your hearing loss can be easier to enjoy.
Start with music featuring fewer instruments, such as solos or small ensembles, rather than music played by large bands or orchestras. Songs that repeat the same musical patterns or words can be easier to pick up. Some recipients report that children’s music can also be good listening practice for adults!

Be strategic and realistic about listening.

Listening practice should be divided into short but frequent sessions. This can be much more effective than one or two long sessions. Don’t expect things to sound perfect immediately. Many people report that music sounds better the more they listen to it.

Aim for good sound quality.

Could you keep the volume at a moderate level? Some people find that digital music formats are easier to understand.

You can use visual input to help your ears and brain.

Use visual clues, such as watching a singer’s lips or the rhythmic action of the piano player’s fingers, to help make sense of the music. Read along with the lyrics. You can often look them up online if you don't have them.

Broaden your music listening goals.

Remember that music is more than just notes – it’s also a social activity that brings people together. Why not plan and prepare a music event to enjoy with others? If you’re attending a musical event and are overwhelmed, think about taking a silence break. Turn your processor down or off, or walk outside until you’re ready to continue listening. Be proactive about your listening environment. For example, when making a reservation at a restaurant, ask to be seated away from loudspeakers so that any background music won’t make conversation difficult. For more information on listening to music, please get in touch with your hearing professional.

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