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Breaking the Sounds of Silence Forum Recap

Welcome to Breaking the Sounds of Silence 2017 forum recap.

Breaking the Sounds of Silence Forum Recap

Welcome to Breaking the Sounds of Silence 2017
forum recap.

Saturday 11th March 2017 saw a coming together of over 170 attendees from the cochlear implant community here in New Zealand and overseas. It was a full day of engaging discussions, information sharing, experience-based perspectives, networking and catching up with old friends and new.

For those unable to attend, here is video snap shot of the day, featuring the keynote address by
Associate Professor Frank Lin of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

In addition to Frank’s talk at the forum, you can also listen to his interview with Kathryn Ryan on Nine to Noon.

Click here to listen

You can also read Frank’s interview with Martin Johnston, health reporter from the NZ Herald here.

Click here to read

The Art of Healthy Communication. Dr. Chris Walsh & Sue Ellis from Health, Education and Research Solutions conducted a fantastic workshop on the Art of Healthy Communication, focusing on communication between clinicians and clients.

Below is a selection of participant videos from their session.

For copies of the Breaking the Sounds of Silence CI Forum presentations, you can download from here:



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