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The Sounds of Life Launch Night

I was then greeted by another couple of cheerful faces, one I had met at a previous meeting, and who is also one of the faces in the photo exhibition.

The Sounds of Life Launch Night

The Sounds of Life Launch Night  name

I was then greeted by another couple of cheerful faces, one I had met at a previous meeting, and who is also one of the faces in the photo exhibition.  

I was handed a glass of wine and was delighted to look around the room and sight several Cochlear Implants behind some ears!  Some people approached me and asked me questions which I was very happy to answer.  

I also had some freedom to approach others and find out about their stories.  All the stories are very similar yet quite unique too.  

I was introduced to a lady who said I was the reason she had her cochlear implanted. She told me she was recommended to look my facebook page “Josie’s Cochlear Implant Journey” and from then she was inspired to get herself implanted.  Wow, that was wonderful to hear. That’s what I want to see.  

Others lives changing for the better, just like mine did.  I look forward to being at the next exhibition whenever and wherever that may be.

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