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Transformation of Disability Services

At the end of October 2021, the government announced a new Ministry for Disabled People would be launched in July 2022.

Transformation of Disability Services


At the end of October 2021, the government announced a new Ministry for Disabled People would be launched in July 2022 alongside the nationwide expansion of the Enabling Good Lives approach to service support for disabled people. This focuses on people having greater choice and control over supports best suited to their individual needs.

In practical terms, this means the Ministry for Disabled People will lead the transformation of disability support by fostering the partnership between the disability community and the Government, ensuring consumers' voices are heard and integrated into the development of policy and service delivery.

To find out more about the transformation process and aims of the new Ministry, click here:

For more information on the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) approach to supporting disabled people by offering greater choice and control over the supports they receive, so they can plan for the lives they want, click here:


With transformation already in action, the Health Quality and Safety Commission  (HQSC) is seeking feedback on the draft Code of Expectations for engaging with consumers and whānau. To further ensure the voice of whānau and consumers is central to the reform and development of the future health system, the HQSC is also inviting consumers and support organisations to join a new consumer health forum. These are important opportunities for cochlear implant consumers to have their say in shaping the future direction of health and disability services and we encourage you to share your views with the HQSC.

In charge of this work, is Dr. Chris Walsh, whom the Pindrop Foundation has worked closely with over the years in delivering our cochlear implant consumer representation training. Chris, who is the Director of Partners in Care, the Commission’s consumer and whānau engagement programme, says the code will ensure everyone understands what is expected of the health sector.

“Organisations need to include consumers and whānau in the design, delivery, evaluation, and governance of health services.

“What that looks like can vary between organisations – a Code of Expectations takes some of the guesswork out of it for health providers.

“It signals to consumers and whānau, opportunities for involvement and more certainty over what to expect from the health system.”

The draft Code of Expectations has been developed with members of the Commission’s consumer network, consumer advisory group, and Te Rōopu Māori, and will be workshopped by consumers via in-person and online hui, before being finalised and published by Minister Little.  For more information on the Health Quality and Safety Commission, click here:


The government has also stated that a new and innovative approach is needed to meaningfully improve accessibility in Aotearoa New Zealand. To enable this, a new legislative framework is being proposed to improve accessibility in addition to preventing and removing barriers to participation for people living with a disability. This new framework will align with the vision and principles of Enabling Good Lives, recognising the importance of improving accessibility across society, from housing, transport, information, communication, and technology, to public buildings and spaces.

It is anticipated that the new framework will be introduced to Parliament by mid- 2022. For more information on the accelerating accessibility initiative, click here:

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