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Update on cochlear implant services and delivery in COVID-19

As we enter week 2 of the COVID-19 lockdown, feeling supported and connected couldn’t be more important.

Update on cochlear implant services and delivery in COVID-19

As we enter week 2 of the COVID-19 lockdown, feeling supported and connected couldn’t be more important. Please remember, you may be isolated but you’re not alone. We are here to support you and keep you fully informed of ongoing service delivery.

The Northern Cochlear Implant Program will be offering limited services.

The following services are postponed until further notice:

•    Surgery

•    Outpatient appointments at The Hearing house (assessment, mapping etc)

•    Visiting Audiology and Habilitation services

•    Pindrop CI consumer meetings

Spare Parts, Loan Devices, and Repairs will continue to be available from The Hearing House

• We aim to ensure that you have access to the necessary equipment to allow you to remain on air.

• Spare parts, loan devices, and batteries will be provided by courier

• If you need spare parts, batteries, or have a problem with your processor, please contact: adultCI@hearinghouse.co.nz | 0800 2547 836

• In the event, you have a problem that can’t be resolved through replacement batteries, spare  parts, or a replacement processor, we will endeavour to provide services remotely over the internet

• NCIP will advise on a case-by-case basis if this option is suitable for you

• NCIP may also use things such as Skype, Facetime, and other online services to answer any queries and provide care where possible

Lockdown advice for those with a cochlear implant is as follows:

• Stay at home and wash your hands frequently

• Get an influenza vaccine as soon as possible, these are free for over-65s and most people with a cochlear implant.

• The NCIP dedicated staff are available to take care of your emergency needs and will be checking emails and phone messages daily, as well as actioning requests for emergency items by courier.

• Those with a fever, cough or those short of breath should contact your GP for advice.

We are launching a weekly webinar series shortly. In the first one of the series, we will be discussing advice and updates on cochlear implant support and services during COVID-19. Keep an eye on our website for details Updates coming soon.

As the situation is changing please do check on our websites and social media for updates. We will also send updates via email.

If you have any questions about how these changes may affect your cochlear implant care, please contact:

Adult CI recipients: adultCI@hearinghouse.co.nz

Paediatric CI recipients: paediatricCI@hearinghouse.co.nz

Phone: 0800 2547 836 | 09 579 2333

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