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Apii Joseph

These stories have been kindly shared by our diverse community of cochlear implant patients. Through these little yarns we aim to help spread their message and offer an online library that helps promote, inspire and educate.

Apii Joseph

I started losing my hearing 40 years ago and over the years it got worse, and worse and worse. Eventually my hearing loss was so severe and profound I could no longer hear with the help of hearing aids.

Communicating was really difficult and I had to rely on lip reading. This was not perfect, as I often misunderstood the conversation and would answer the wrong thing. This had an impact on my career too and I was often subjected to workplace bullying, teasing and being called stupid and dumb. It was so demoralizing.

When people found out I had a hearing loss it was like they didn’t want to know me. I would laugh at jokes and they would say, ‘what are you laughing at? You can’t hear’.

My life changed completely 3 years ago when I got my cochlear implant. It gave me the strength to speak up, join in conversations and to get out and socialize. I especially love going to the markets on a Sunday, catching up with friends there and exploring the stalls.

I can also now enjoy my grandchildren, and I love hearing their laughter and stories, it brings me so much pleasure to be an active part of their lives now.

The CI also opened up a new world of sounds I had not heard for so long, like the sound of raindrops, waves crashing on the beach and birds singing. I’m also able to enjoy music once again, a simple pleasure I thought I would never hear again.
Life is good now.

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