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Aynsley Staessens

These stories have been kindly shared by our diverse community of cochlear implant patients. Through these little yarns we aim to help spread their message and offer an online library that helps promote, inspire and educate.

Aynsley Staessens

Hi, I’m Aynsley, a 32-year-old mum to three children, and together with my husband, we live in the beautiful city of Tauranga.

I was born with a genetic severe hearing loss, however it wasn’t until I gave birth to my second daughter in 2011 that my hearing loss really began to impact my life, and discussions were had and decisions made to investigate if I would be a suitable recipient for a Cochlear Implant. At the beginning of this process my hearing was still “too good” for a CI, but as it continued to deteriorate I was reassessed by the CI team in Auckland and was officially put onto the waiting list in early 2014. My whole life I never believed that my hearing was actually affecting mine or my family’s life until early 2015 when I became more self-conscious, withdrawn and isolated, as I was unable to hear accurately and many times just assumed what was being said. In late June 2015 I received my CI and I was switched on in early July.

The sounds I love to hear include hearing my own voice on the voicemail - it doesn’t sound as “different” to normal people anymore; how noisy a quiet house actually is; and the ability to be able to correct my children when they say words/sounds incorrectly.

Being able to go a café with friends, to chat over coffee and catch up on life’s events is something I love and treasure now too.

My own CI journey hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing, but I don’t regret it for one second and only now do I realise how much sound I have missed out on throughout my life.

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