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These stories have been kindly shared by our diverse community of cochlear implant patients. Through these little yarns we aim to help spread their message and offer an online library that helps promote, inspire and educate.


I lost most of my hearing in a rugby accident at the age of ten and wore a hearing aid. As a boy I was devastated not to play any contact sports and also had difficulty developing friendships, especially as a teenager.

Later, however I formed a successful business and became very outgoing and confident. That all came crashing down when I suffered a head injury at work and progressively lost my hearing completely. I had to sell my business, my marriage broke down and I became withdrawn from any friends and family.

I received my Cochlear Implant 19 years ago and what an incredible difference it has made. I can use the phone again; listen to music and watch movies easily. Also I have regained my confidence and am able to speak at seminars and conferences. But the greatest benefit from receiving my CI is being able to interact with my family and friends again!

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